
y neighbors have a white guard dog tied outside their house She never goes inside Drizzle, storm, heat, the dog stands dutifully outside its master’s house to warn them of intrud

#TalkToSomeJuan, a short film by Mental Health PH

#MentalHealthPH and the Department of Health (Philippines) commemorated September 10 as World Suicide Prevention Day through this short film/advocacy video on suicide prevention

Journal Entries

If there’s anything that I have been wrong about, it would be thinking that journaling isn’t important, and I’ll tell you why, but before I get to that I’ll

“Mess,” a short film

Mess is a film that encourages sufferers of mental health problems to seek help

Stop telling me I’m brave for sharing my story.

When my chapbook Nowhere came out, people told me they loved my writing They loved my honesty, my raw emotion I brought relatives and friends alike to tears And I felt guilty for i

Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Humble Enough to Ask for Help

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) starts in the mind Memories, emotions, nightmares, fears, and other subconscious creatures run amok the synapses, neurons, chemicals, hormone

Misery Business

Dear Friend, How are you How are things going Remember how you’d always say I was into weird shit I’ve been into this rap group calledthe Sad Boys, including producers Yu

The Waiting War

Pre-grad Agenda: Don’t Kill Yourself During my last semester in college, I couldn’t wait for graduation to come I found myself depressed and suicidal during a time when ever

How my vulnerability saved me

I knew my insecurities more than I knew myself I treated them as old friends, welcome to stay as long as they wanted in my head I didn’t know how to handle them so I just let the